This is my friend Sujan's daughter, who has this strange shyness whenever she sees me. I somehow could not succeed in making her more comfortable, so just decided to shoot her expressions when confronted by me.

The Budding Philosopher Award goes to my cousin Nishanth. He is definitely the most gentlemanly boy in the world, and just sometimes decides to relax. This is one of those moments.

Is that a pensive pose patiently captured, or the mood on a lazy summer afternoon ? Or is it subdued frustration on being bored and bothered by a SLR-wielding enthusiast, who is on the lookout for a nice portrait? I can never be sure whats in the mind of this young lady Sangeetha, who happens to be my other cousin in B'lore.

A friend to share a joke.
A brain to discuss an idea.
A mind charged with passion
A groom in the making :)
A complete man - Manivel